You are here: HomeNews AOxEU: Europe Day "on the air" 2013
AOxEU: Europe Day "on the air" 2013
Next 9 May active again: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU,
special callsigns to commemorate the creation of the EU
and European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO), which EA Digital Federation is a founding member
and who offers this QSL and Award to you.
The contact is also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.
How to contact the special stations?
All day, they will be on the air using the different bands and modes more usual
(phony, CW, digital, etc.). A good way to locate them is through
DX Cluster and/or also consulting the
agenda of the activity.
In addition to making contact (or listening the SWLs) with one or several of the active stations from all
Spanish districts, you should act according to the case:
Members of
FEDI-EA and/or
it is enough to request the QSL card on the website of
using the option "QSL Request", indicating in Manager: EA3RKF. It is not necessary to send your own QSL.
Hams not members from countries where EuroBureauQSL is present:
send your QSL and a SASE to the
entry point of your own country (national tariff).
OMs from other countries: sent a self addressed envelope and 1 IRC to:
FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - 08200 Sabadell (SPAIN).
Warning: Don't try to send your QSLs via IARU bureaus classic system, they will never get to us because
its member society in Spain (URE) throws them away.
Those contacting with at least 3 special stations of different districts, will be able to
download the special Award
for free from the internet in pdf format.
Those who get 5 districts contacted will reach the Award with distinctive Bronze,
with 7 to Silver and with the all 9 to Gold.
Our sincere thanks in advance to all those operators and volunteers, whose efforts
will enable all of these stations are on the air during that period, making known to the world
Europe, Spain and organizations that promote this activity.
If you also want to help with it, please
contact us.