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Amateur Radio and communications breakdown
We reproduce below the recommendations developed jointly by
Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya EA3 and Ràdio Club Barcelona, EA3RKB,
on the occasion of National Day of Catalonia and the expected collapse of telecommunications networks,
especially mobile, during the protest march in Barcelona.
A useful document for events of all kinds (sports, leisure, etc.), where the massive assistance
and the intensive use of technology can lead lines to saturation and emergencies difficult to handle.
Alternative emergency channel for the National Day
On the occasion of the protest march of the National Day of Catalonia (2012-09-11),
whose attendance is expected to be very massive, authorities are releasing a series of recommendations,
because the expected saturation of the mobile phone network.
By our side, from the associations Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya EA3 and Ràdio Club Barcelona, EA3RKB,
concerned about a possible shortfall in emergency communications, we call to all those radio amateurs who are going to participate
in this event, to carry their walkie-talkie, and also invite residents nearby Passeig de Gràcia to turn on their stations,
proposing the following operating procedure:
145,500 MHz as initial frequency of listening and, if necessary, calling
once contacted is established, QSY to 145,525 MHz for information exchange
just in case this frequency is busy, go up to 145,550 MHz or, if it is also busy, go up to 145,575 MHz
once the traffic is finish, back to 145,500 MHz and remain stand-by.
Alternatively, PMR walkie talkies may be used, establishing channel 1 for calling
and successive channels to exchange information.
Although we wish no special intervention will be necessary,
small incidents can still occur (fainting, loss of people, etc..) in which our collaboration can be helpful.