You are here: HomeNews Pajottenland Award: culture and amateur radio
Pajottenland Award: culture and amateur radio
Pajottenlandse RadioAmateurs Club, ON4PRA, launches this beautiful award in order to promote
this part of the Flemish province of Brabant, west of Brussels, especially known for its lambic type of beers.
Pajottenland Award
Pajottenlandse RadioAmateurs Club (P.R.A.C.), section Pajottenland of the V.R.A. (Vlaamse RadioAmateurs/Flemish Radio Amateurs)
takes an initiative to have their region and club better known, by establishing a beautiful
Requirements to obtain this award are making contacts with radio amateurs living within the
"Pajottenland", who are or are not member of P.R.A.C. and radioamateurs who are member of
P.R.A.C. but NOT living in the "Pajottenland".
The "Pajottenland" can be recognised with the following (26) postal codes:
In the "Pajottenland" live at this moment a total of 86 radio amateurs. 16 of them being
member of P.R.A.C.. There are also 43 members of P.R.A.C., not living in the "Pajottenland"
(data on 01/08/2011). There is also the P.R.A.C. Clubstation ON4PRA.
The list of existing and valid calls can be consulted (or download) on the website of our
supervisory authority, the B.I.P.T..
To get there follow this link:
There you can check (based on the postal code) if a certain OM is living in the "Pajottenland"
or not. A list of calls for P.R.A.C. members follows hereunder.
All contacts are (mixed) valid, allbands, all modes. All contacts made as from January, 1,
2011, are valid, to be made with different radioamateurs.
To qualify for the award, following conditions must be met:
ON and ON(V)L: 20 points in total
European stations: 15 points in total
DX stations: 10 points in total
Each contact with a station can yield points, depending on the kind of station:
Member P.R.A.C., living in the Pajottenland: 5 points
Clubstations: ON4PRA, ON4VRA: 5 points
Member P.R.A.C., NOT living in the Pajottenland: 3 points
NO member P.R.A.C., living in the Pajottenland: 2 points
The request for obtaining the award must be done with the application form and shows all
valid contacts (see model at the end), verified and duly signed for agreement by 2 other radio
amateurs. This request has to be sent to the P.R.A.C.-Award Manager:
Eddy Van Campenhout, ON4CCK
Oudenhove 17,
B-1840 Londerzeel.
The price for the Pajottenland Award is €15,00, shipping cost in Europe inclusive; and €20,00
for countries outside Europe, also shipping cost inclusive. This amount has to be paid on the
account number IBAN: BE16 7341 7614 8874, BIC: KREDBEBB of P.R.A.C. with the
mentioning "Award" + your call. A copy of the money transfer deposit slip must be attached to
the application form.
The award is in A3-format and is printed recto/verso in full color. The front side shows a
special design with some important features symbolizing the Pajottenland, together with the
escutcheons of the 13 communities, together forming the Pajottenland. The backside gives
information about the region and also an explanation of the elements shown in the design on
the front page.
Members P.R.A.C., living in the Pajottenland: (= 5 points each)