EA Digital Federazio

Notícias de radioafición

euskara 2024-07-03 Honetan zaude: Hasiera Berriak Expat Club: devoted to our foreign members

Expat Club: devoted to our foreign members

Since FEDI-EA started the campaign "Yes, we speak English..." in 2014, a lot of hams from other countries, but living in Spain, have become members of the Federation. To serve their special needs and put them in contact with each other, we will implement a series of actions that will fit into the so-called Expat Club.

The first one is the creation of a section in our forum website called: "In English", where exchange info, doubts, knowledge, experiences and pieces of advice.

So far we have also provided assistance to get an Spanish callsign for those residents and enough info to operate here for temporary visitors.

We hope to do many more soon with your own help. Just tell us your comments and suggestions.

The idea of the Expat Club is that you can relate and interact with other expat members of the Federation, regardless of the association of belonging or the geographical area of residence, in a transversal way to the own associative structure of the entity, as we did before with YL Club and Youth Club.

If you are not member yet, have a look at how to become a member.

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Gure kideak ezagutu

Nombre: Andalucía Unida por la Radio
Indicativo: EA7RCU, ED7YAA
Sede: Sevilla
Contacto: aur@fediea.org
Teléfono: 954391272
Fundación: 2001
Cuota: 20 €/año
Hitos: Activaciones, asociación miembro de FEDI-EA concursos y repetidor de fonía R7 (VHF) de Cádiz.

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