EA Digital Federazio

AMxLV: "La Vuelta" on the air

euskara 2025-02-13 Honetan zaude: Hasiera Federazioa Jarduerak AMxLV: La Vuelta

AMxLV: "La Vuelta" on the air  español english

AM7LV, AM5LV, AM3LV, AM1LV and AM4LV will be on frequency as the Tour of Spain, and its cyclists, will move through the several Spanish districts. Sports and ham radio synchronized, in another multi-club activity proposed by EA Digital Federazio to make more bearable this summer.

Follow the circuit by radio and get QSL and Award. Dates: from August 27th to September 20th 2010. Coordination: EA7NL.

We'll go along with the 75th anniversary of the Cycling Tour of Spain as the following schedule:

  • AM7LV: from 27 August to 2 September
  • AM5LV: from 31 August to 7 September
  • AM3LV: from 5 to 10 September
  • AM1LV: from 8 to 18 September
  • AM4LV: from 16 to 20 September

This special event stations will be on the air using the different bands and modes more usual (phony, CW, digital, etc.).

Besides being able to locate them through the DX Cluster, so you do see the agenda of the activity.

How to get the QSL?

In addition to making contact (or listening the SWLs) with one or several of the active stations from various Spanish districts, you should proceed according to the case:

  • Members of FEDI-EA and/or EURAO: it is enough to request the QSL card on the website of EuroBureauQSL using the option "QSL Request", indicating in Manager: EA3RKF. It is not necessary to send your own QSL.

  • Hams not members from countries where EuroBureauQSL is present: send your QSL and a SASE to the entry point of your own country (national tariff), except those marked in red that needn't SASE (i.e. USA).

  • OMs/YLs from other countries: sent a self addressed envelope and 1 IRC to: FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - 08200 Sabadell (SPAIN).

Warning: Don't try to send your QSLs via IARU bureaus classic system, they will never get us because its member society in Spain (URE) throw them away.

How to get the Award?

Those contacting with at least 2 special stations of different districts, will be able to download the special Award for free from the internet in pdf format.

Those who get 3 districts contacted will reach the Award with distinctive Bronze, with 4 to Silver and with the all 5 to Gold.


Our sincere thanks in advance to all those operators and volunteers, whose efforts will enable all of these stations are on the air during that period, making known to the world, not only Spain, but also cyclists and teams participating in La Vuelta.

If you also want to help with it, please contact with EA7NL.

These contacts are also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.

Puntos de entrada al EuroBureauQSL (hasta la fecha):

  • En Europa:
    • Bélgica: FRA - P.O. Box 393 - B-1000 Brussels 1
    • España y Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell
    • Francia: F8URC - URC - 162 rue Roger Salengro - F-62330 Isbergues
    • Grecia: HAG - 22, Kassandras Str. - GR-10447 Votanikos - Athens (Attika)
    • Italia: IT9BCC - Nino Caracci - Via Campobello, 108 - 91022 Castelvetrano
    • Luxemburgo: LX1CC - Mill Reiff - 34, rue de la Résistance - L-3340 Huncherange
    • Portugal: CT1TGM - TRGM - P.O. Box 497 - P-3001-906 Coimbra
    • Rumanía: YO9KYO - ARR - Str. Stelica Berechet, 23 - RO-087070 Comuna Daia, Judetul Giurgiu

  • Fuera de Europa:
    • Argelia: 7X2JV - Noury B.M. - P.O. Box 87 - Bouarfa 09019 Blida
    • Argentina: LU1MA - CRC - P.O. Box 232 - 5500 Mendoza
    • Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21
    • Costa Rica: TI2WMP - Waldyn Murillo Pérez - P.O. Box 117-1450 - 10601 San José
    • EE.UU.: W2EN - Douglas Rue - 21 Jeffrey Court - Somerville, NJ 08876
    • India: VU2BK - MHRC - Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan Campus - Dist. Sirohi, 307510 Rajasthan
    • Uruguay: CX3CCC - Radiogrupo Sur - P.O. Box 950 - 11000 Montevideo
    • Venezuela: YY5PEZ - Bernardino Soares - P.O. Box 195, O.P.T. San Juan de los Morros - Estado Guarico - CP 2301

Los puntos de entrada en rojo sólo trabajan como bureaus de salida y se complementan con los clásicos bureaus de entrada de la IARU en aquellos países que la distribución de QSLs funciona en abierto, es decir, tanto para socios como no socios.

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La Vuelta 2010
Gure kideak ezagutu

Nombre: Grupo Canal 21 Sierra de Madrid
Indicativo: EA4RKR
Sede: Las Rozas (Madrid)
Contacto: gc21sm@fediea.org
Teléfono: 617717253
asociación miembro de FEDI-EA Fundación: 1989
Cuota: 15 €/año

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La ONU otorga a EURAO el estatus consultivo especial.

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