EA Digital Federation

Amateur Radio

nederlands 2024-10-04 You are here: Home Amateur Radio in Spain Authorized bands and frequencies

These are the authorized bands and frequencies in Spain to radio amateurs:

Frequency bands in kHz (a) Maximum transmitted power Maximum Bandwidth (-6dB)
Carrier Peak
135,7 - 137,8 1 w p.r.a. 0,3 kHz
472 - 4791 wp.i.r.e.
1.810 - 1.850 50 w 200 w 3 kHz
3.500 - 3.800 (b) 250 w 1000 w 3 kHz
7.000 - 7.100 6 kHz
7.100 - 7.200
10.100 - 10.150
14.000 - 14.250
14.250 - 14.350
18.068 - 18.168
21.000 - 21.450
24.890 - 24.990
28.000 - 29.700

Frequency bands in kHz (a) Maximum transmitted power Maximum Bandwidth (-6dB)
Carrier Peak
50,000 - 52,000 100 w - - 12 kHz
70,150 - 70,200 10 w - - 12 kHz
144,000 - 146,000 150 w (1) 600 w 25 kHz
430,000 - 440,000 (d) 50 w (1) 200 w 25 kHz (2)

Frequency bands in MHz (a) (c) (d) Maximum transmitted power
Carrier p.i.r.e.
1.240 - 1.300 10 W 30 dBw
2.300 - 2.450 10 W 30 dBw
5.650 - 5.850 10 W 30 dBw

Frequency bands in GHz (a) (c) (d) Maximum transmitted power
p.i.r.e. power
10,00 - 10,50 30 dBw
(in all bands)
24,00 - 24,05
24,05 - 24,25
47,00 - 47,20
76,00 - 77,50
77,50 - 78,00
78,00 - 81,00
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Nombre: Associació d'estudiants EUROAVIA Terrassa (ETSEIAT)
Sede: Terrassa
Contacto: euroavia@fediea.org
asociación miembro de FEDI-EA Fundación: 2006

La foto de archivo

EG7AUR, Andalucía Unida por la Radio, en VGSE-020 y DME-41009.

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