In order to introduce the several radio amateurs' associations of the world, in general,
and of Spain, in particular,
and promoting friendship among their respective members,
the Federació Digital EA (FEDI-EA),
with the support of the
Organització Europea de Radioaficionats (EURAO),
summons the International Permanent Award:
The rules that will manage the operation of this Award are:
Can participate in EANET® Award any radio amateur and radio club who desire,
with no discrimination of nationality nor association membership.
To contact as many club stations around the world, registered in this Award, as possible.
Any frequency and mode authorized for amateur service, including satellites.
Valid contacts are those done since January the 1st of 2001, starting date of 21st century and 3rd millennium.
Two main categories of participants will be established: radio amateurs and radio clubs,
according to if the holder of the callsign is an individual or an association.
In its turn, these categories could be divided in two subcategories: National and International,
depending on if the participant's callsign is of Spain or another country.
In the case of radio clubs, besides, also two subcategories will be considered: members and friends,
depending on their relationship with FEDI-EA and/or EURAO.
To validate contacts, radio amateurs participants,
once their correspondent (radio club) has entered the QSO in
they will enter it in EANET web, where authenticity will be verified
and it will be incorporated automatically to the General Classification.
For radio clubs, however, it will not be necessary to enter contacts in EANET web, since their
punctuation will be calculated from crossing above data, except when the correspondent is another registered
radio club, in which case they should enter them.
Each contact done, and confirmed, will have a value in points depending on the kind of correspondent:
member radio club: 5 points
friend radio club: 3 points
radio amateur: 1 point (only for radio clubs).
Only ONE contact between a participant and another specific one will be considered, independently of
callsigns used, so repetitions are worth zero additional points.
For both, radio amateurs and radio clubs, only the amount of points received will be taken into account.
As multipliers, the number of different contacted countries and continents will be used, the final score will be
the outcome of the formula:
Points x Countries x Continents.
In order to encode the location of each station, standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 is taken into consideration for the
country and one of the following abbreviations for the continent: AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC or SA.
Or what is the same, the hierarchical address of the closest packet radio BBS.
There will be published in EANET web a
Provisional General Classification
reflecting the status of the lists entered so far.
This classification is only indicative, and may be overriden by the coming final, once considered the impact
of incidents and/or claims filed by participants, if any.
The Award Organization may request the checkings it deems appropriate during the course of it.
The EANET® Award, that will be full color and DIN A4 size, will be available for FREE download
on internet in electronic format (pdf), once achieved the minimum score required
and verified by the Organization.
Award will be entitled to all those who get more than 100 points, having contacted with at least
10 radio clubs.
The Organization reserves the right to change these figures to boost the proper operation of the Award.
The participants who, having obtained the Award,
reach 250, 500 or 1.000 points, will be deserving the Award with distinctive Bronze, Silver or Gold, respectively.
To qualify for the prizes will have as condition sine qua non the recognition of
"Authenticity Guaranteed" from eQSL.
Registering in this Award is completely FREE for everybody and implies full acceptance of its rules.
The radio amateurs' associations and/or radio clubs that, holding their own station callsign,
wish to participate actively in this Award, with their registration simply accept the commitment to upload all their
contacts to eQSL, so all those correspondents who like can take advantage of them,
or manually confirm the received ones.
Any circumstance not covered in these rules shall be settled by the Organization of the Award and its decision is final.
For any further information may address to:
Federación Digital EA
P.O.Box 3050
E-08200 Sabadell [Barcelona] (SPAIN)